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How to Find Your Dream Dog was written for the pet lovers out there who know they deserve the PERFECT pooch. More importantly, it was written for those who know their future dog deserves the perfect owner.
Most people spend hours researching a new mattress, days researching a new car, and weeks, months, even years researching a new home or new job. Yet almost no one spends more than a few minutes researching the right canine companion for the next ten-to-fifteen years of their life.
Because, until now, there hasn’t been one comprehensive place to find all the information you need to know in order to find your dream dog. And now there is.

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About the Author: Dixie Tenny

Dixie Tenny has been helping people and their dogs find each other and form successful partnerships since the early 1980s. She founded Purebred Dog Rescue of Saint Louis in 1984, and co-founded Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue, Inc. in 1987.
That organization received an award from the Seattle Humane Society, due to the fact that SPDR’s help in placing the shelter’s purebreds allowed many more mixed breeds to be placed successfully as well. Dixie received the Seattle Kennel Club’s “Honor Our Own” award in 2001 for her work with SPDR.
In 2003, she and another trainer founded Dogs Unleashed, LLC, through which she worked with a wide range of behavior and training issues. During this period, Dixie also served for several years as a Judge for the Dog Writers’ Association of America annual awards.
In 2010, Dixie became a Certified Training Partner with the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training and Behavior. Dixie formed her own business, Human-Animal Learning Opportunities, LLC, (HALO) in 2013. HALO hosts seminars for dog trainers and has featured respected animal researchers and trainers Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz and Steve White.
Currently, Dixie lives with a Beauceron, a Papillon, and four cats in St. Louis, Missouri. When not doing things related to animals, she reads widely, enjoys the company of her three grown children, follows English Premiere League soccer, and travels the world.